Sunday, February 20, 2011

Awesome #8

Snowing at Night

You're outside, stepping out of your car. You're tense because the drive home.. it kind of sucked. Maybe your tires are bald (guilty) or you drove too fast, or you haven't driven at night in a while... Whatever. But you step out of your car, and you realize... You can't hear the highway, or anything. There's a hush that falls over everything when it snows, and at night... it's almost like you could be the only one there. And not in a creepy way. It's calming. And then you notice... it's so bright. That's what I really love. The sky is always kind of pink at night when it snows, and what little light there is is bouncing off the new fallen snow. It could be the middle of the night, with no moon out and one measly street lamp guiding your way, but you can see it all.

When it snows at night, it's like the perfect quiet world. And it's never dark.

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